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Active Funds

Past Funds

Maharashtra State Social Venture Fund (MS Fund)

(unit scheme of Maharashtra Laghu Vikas Trust)

Category SEBI registration number Name of the Fund Manager Email id of the Fund
Category I – Social Venture Fund IN/AIF1/15-16/0191 SIDBI Venture Capital Limited msfund

Maharashtra State Social Venture Fund (“MS Fund”), an Alternative Investment Fund (“AIF”), was established on September 15, 2015 as a close ended unit scheme of Maharashtra Laghu Vikas Trust (“Trust”). SIDBI Venture Capital Limited (“SVCL/Investment Manager”) is the Investment Manager and SIDBI Trustee Company Limited (“STCL/Trustee”) is the sole Trustee of MS Fund.
The Fund announced its Initial Closing on January 04, 2016. The tenure of the Fund is 7 years. The Fund is registered with Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) under the SEBI (AIF) Regulations, 2012 as a Category-I AIF under the sub category of Social Venture Fund.

The fund is fully invested.