(unit scheme of Maharashtra Laghu Vikas Trust)
Category | SEBI registration number | Name of the Fund Manager | Email id of the Fund | |
Category I – Social Venture Fund | IN/AIF1/15-16/0191 | SIDBI Venture Capital Limited | msfund@sidbiventure.co.in |
msfund @sidbiventure .co.in |
Maharashtra State Social Venture Fund (“MS Fund”), an Alternative Investment Fund (“AIF”), was
established on September 15, 2015 as a close ended unit scheme of Maharashtra Laghu Vikas Trust
(“Trust”). SIDBI Venture Capital Limited (“SVCL/Investment Manager”) is the Investment Manager and SIDBI
Trustee Company Limited (“STCL/Trustee”) is the sole Trustee of MS Fund.
The Fund announced its Initial Closing on January 04, 2016. The tenure of the Fund is 7 years. The Fund
is registered with Securities & Exchange
Board of India (SEBI) under the SEBI (AIF) Regulations, 2012 as a Category-I AIF under the sub category
of Social Venture Fund.
The fund is fully invested.