(unit scheme of Atmanirbhar Laghu Vikas Trust)
Category | SEBI registration number | Name of the Fund Manager | Email id of the Fund | |
Category I AIF – Venture Capital Fund | IN/AIF1/22-23/1117 | SIDBI Venture Capital Limited | atmanirbharvf@sidbiventure.co.in | atmanirbharvf @sidbiventure .co.in |
Atmanirbhar Start-up Venture Fund is the 1st Scheme of Atmanirbhar Laghu Vikas Trust, a close ended fund
registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in August 2022,
as a Category I AIF - Venture Capital Fund. Its objective is to invest in scalable and sustainable
start-ups, emerging or early stage ventures, which would have potential to provide economic / social and
environmental benefits/ superior value proposition for the country. The fund is sponsored by SIDBI.
The Investment Strategy will involve investing in manufacturing and services start-ups which have the
potential to become leaders in their respective industry segment.
Atmanirbhar Start-up Venture Fund is looking for investment in enterprises offering potential for attractive growth and earnings. Indicative investment criteria are -
Atmanirbhar Start-up Venture Fund would invest primarily by way of investments in privately
negotiated equity and / or convertible instruments in unlisted companies.
It shall also endeavor to provide mentoring support and other value additions to enable the investee
companies achieve rapid growth and achieve / maintain their competitive edge in international
The Fund will seek standard venture capital rights as an investor.
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